Monday, June 2, 2014

Game of Thrones Episode 8: Most Powerful of the Season.. So Far.

In the duration of  HBO's hit series 'Game of Thrones' fourth season; there has been a crap load of yelling, screaming and utter disbelief on mine and possibly all die-hard GOT fans behalf. But the latest episode  has me frantically writing this post out of serious... WTF!!!!!!!

GOT followers everywhere KNOW that the show is designed to specifically hit every nerve in your body and strike each chord connected to your heart, but this episode... struck the core of my being.

Hopefully you're  all caught up; cause I ain't apologizing for any spoilers!

Let's breakdown the ridiculousness that went down this week; shall we?

1. Sansa finally Grows a Pair

Let's all clap ladies and gentlemen, because Sansa Stark is FINALLY realizing just how real things are getting throughout the realm! Remember little Sansa from earlier seasons? Prissy, stubborn and totally oblivious to the hardcore shenanigans surrounding her; living in that dream haze where she would be married off to this amazing prince and live happily ever after... pshh, not in this realm!

Well there was a happily ever after; her ex prince Joffery dead and her lovely escape. Win win, eh?

Maturing is now a word I can now use to describe Lady Sansa Stark. I couldn't help but let out a shriek of pure joy when she finally crossed over to the dark side to save Lord Baelish A.K.A "Little Finger" from a charge of murder.

It appears that Sansa has finally opened her precious little eyes to the worlds harsh realities and has acted accordingly. (It's about time; it only took little Arya a season or two!)

2. Who would ever betray Khalessi...

                                                              Uhmm.. That guy ^

The cat is out of the bag people. Ser Jorah, a key role in Khalessi's rise to power, has officially became the worlds dumbest guy by betraying the queen of dragons. Ripleys believe or not, I actually saw a bright future for the duo as they made their way conquering every city by storm. Well it appears Mr. Jorah was a nasty spy... yet I believe his turn around was genuine. 

Too late bruh, You have pissed off the wrong person. Luckily he only got banned from the cool kids clan.

Who saw that coming? It sure as heck wasn't me. OFF WITH HIS HEAD! 

3. Arya Laughs in the Face of Death

We all know she is a badass but when she bursted into that wicked fit of laughter after discovering the death of aunt, Lady Aryn; I totally saw a flash of psychopath Arya. But who is to blame her. When your whole family has been slaughtered, whats the worse that could happen? 

Plus that lady was coo-coo for cocoa puffs anyways. 

4. The Ultimate Trial by Combat and Death of the Viper

I guess the over zealous Viper met his maker when combating the mountain...

The words to express my disbelief are absent as the awful death by skull crushing still haunts my dreams.

Yet my main concern is the fate of little Tyrion Lannister...

Rest in peace Viper and may the Gods keep Tyrion in their favor.

That's all I can say right now world... Excuse me while I go mourn.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Won't you be my Neighbor: 'Neighbors' Kicks off the Summer Wildly

Imagine living next to a Frat house... I can tell you right now that after conquering my first year of college in a crappy dorm next to Frat Land; it ain't pretty. Well, if guys like Zac Effron paraded their sexy bods around my dorm you could best believe things would be a lot different.

 After laughing my balls off to Seth Rogen's summer comedy 'Neighbors'; nostalgia of wall-shaking parties, the smell of vomit in the morning and mysterious rotting watermelons floods my brainwaves.

 I think I miss College already… psych. Let’s break down this mind explosion.

 First time parents, Mac Radner (Seth Rogen) and Kelly Radner (Rose Byrne) have just settled into the crappy phase of life where BOOM comes the house and then POW comes the baby. Barely getting enough beauty sleep as it is; an unexpected yet very sexy surprise, Teddy Sanders (Zac Efron) moves in next door with his fellow Frat brothers as they wreck shop with non-stop parties and typical Frat festivities.

 Bound to rid of the noisy Frat-tastrophe, Mac and Kelly put their game faces on to tackle pretty-boy Teddy, bros-before-hoes buddy Pete (Dave Franco) and gang as things get heated between the new neighbors. Noise complaints, damage of property and even an intense inside job accompany the crazy couple’s mission to reclaim their quaint neighborhood.

 Highlights include *drum roll* Zac Efron’s killer body! I was never a groupie for Efron in High school Musical but he sure was a sight to see in this film.

  Yeah. I added a picture of that beautiful specimen. You’re welcome.

  Won’t you please, won’t you please, PLEASE won’t you be my neighbor?!!!
                                                                                             (Courtesy of O.G Mister Roger’s)

 Some of the films die-hard comedic moments include replacing air bags for seat cushions, a wild HIV scare with an infant and an intense fight between Efron and Rogen; similar in comedic flare as the show down between James Franco, Danny Mcbride and Rogen in Pineapple Express. It’s incredibly epic. Believe me.

 Rogen and Efron make an amazing duo as their hiliarious feud throughout the film reminds me of 21 Jump Street clowns; Channing Tat-yum and Jonah Hill. It’s incredibly noticeable in the concluding scene where Efron and Rogen pose outside a local Abercrombie & Fitch to show off their goodies.

Was it Hot or Nah?

 Go see for yourself sometime this week. Its worth it brah!

 On a scale of 1-10, I give ‘Neighbors a big ole’ 8 for thoroughly and perversely entertaining me!

 Here’s a trailer for those who are lame like me and are always out of the loop about new movies:


SCHOOLS OUT... and you can guarantee I did these dance moves. BLOGGING RESUMES!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

My Strange Addiction Pt 2: 'Orange is the New Black"

Yes, I have many addictions when it comes to the internet. 

Vine Videos, Instagram, Facebook, HBO's 'Game of Thrones and not so shockingly; Netflix's series 'Orange is the New Black'. 

Just look at the cast picture above. That's one birds nest of a crazy cast eh? These fabulous ladies are what make up the highly acclaimed cast of 'Orange is the New Black'. Take it or leave it honey. 

For those out there who have not seen or witnessed these girls behind bars; I've come to save you from any show you've been previously watching. And for that, you should thank me. 

Imagineer this. 

Middle aged, Piper Chapman (center, orange uniform) also known as "Pipes', is livin' the Vida Loca with fiance Jason Biggs when a little secret from her youth comes backs to haunt her. 

A lesbian affair with Laura Pepron (center, tattoo on arm), also known as Dona from 'The 70's Show', turns into a business arrangement: Transporting money for a drug cartel of which ends with little Piper Chapman being convicted of fifteen months in a women's prison. 

Still not interested? 

Well, all those remaining ladies standing in unison in the picture above are who welcomes Mrs. Chapman to the amazing world of Prison and they entertain you greatly in the works. Transgender inmates, killers, pregnant women, corrupt cops and more plague the show and instantly involve you in the lives of each of these women.

There are good times, bad times and mostly highly comedic times as upstate New York native Piper Chapman is in for a rude awakening. 

I give this show an epic 10/10 and inform you that I'm thoroughly entertained. 
Here's a teaser for Season 2 kicking off June 2,  for all the former addicts: 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Let your Soul Glo: So what's the fuss?

If you've ever stumbled across a television show from the 70s' or 80s' you're bound to see someone sporting a funkadelic fro'. Usually associated with Black Pride during the Civil Rights movements; the Afro has made a strong comeback in the fashion world as people of all races are letting their natural curls flourish. People are laying those harsh chemicals and heat to the waste side and letting mother nature takeover.

Yet despite the rising revolution of natural power; their's a large majority of those who feel synthetic hair, chemicals and excessive heat are a necessity for having beautiful hair while natural hair is just 'not for them'.

So what's the fuss ladies and gentleman? Why not take a trip on the Soul Train as a recap:

During my childhood, I remember my parents watching the old reruns of Soul Train with Don Cornelius and I was always in awe with the massive crowns of Afro a majority of the audience members possessed. Males, females, blacks, whites etc, all sported their curls as Funk and Soul music ripped through the airways producing a new sound as well as a fashion statement.

Heck, as a child my mother even had me sporting the do:

Then immediately I think of one of Eddie Murphy's hit movies from the 80s', 'Coming to America' and the commercial for the more tamed Afro: The Jheri Curl

Here's the classic clip from the movie:

The Jheri Curl changed the game as well as took it's toll on a variety of stars. Stars Lionel Richie, Michael Jackson and even Samuel Jackson in 'Pulp Fiction rocked the famous do.

Yet,  here it is 2014 and it has made a return to the scene with far more critics and a new twist. If our fellow brothers and sisters rocked their curls in the 70s'-80's, Why can't we?

After watching Chris Rock's highly controversial documentary, 'Good Hair', all the signs were there.

'Good Hair' speaks of the concept of having "Good Hair" in the African American community as well as brings views derived from slavery and racism to the for front as the reasons for mixed views on Black (natural) hair.

One idea I found most controversial was this: Black women are spending hundreds of dollars in salons for straighter hair so as to... wait for it...

Look more white.

Personally the idea appears to spawn a plethora of controversy I'd rather stray from yet keeps my mind buzzing with thought.

If your're interested, here's a link to the trailer of Chris Rock's 'Good Hair' (Also available on Netflix):

How I see it:

As a natural hair junkie myself, I've been exposed to a variety of criticism regarding my crown of glory (Afro). After many years of hassling with chemicals, synthetic hairs and misery; I decided during my late high school years to make the transition.

I received mixed reactions from all kinds of people even those within my own race.

"Nappy" was the most common word used to describe it.

People would  stare at me as if my hair was an emblem of negativity or carelessness. Yet within all that negativity there is positivity. I began research online and realized that their were women all over the world going through the same struggle as I.

As of yesterday a professor on campus approached me with a compliment regarding my hair of which resulted in a exchange of emails so as to give each other tips on methods and products.

In the grand scheme of things, Natural hair is here to stay. Though the ignorance of people are prominent, the Afro continues to serve as a solid staple. Clearly a hairstyle shouldn't hold racist origins or concepts yet it does.

As a natural hair gal myself, I've rose above that and decided: I'm gonna let my Soul Glo.

Here's my natural hair history from childhood up to the present:


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

My Strange Addiction: Vine Videos

Believe it or not during the course of my first year of college I've developed an addiction. Now when I say addiction, you're probably thinking of marijuana, alcohol or even some form of pills.

As rocker Prince would say: 
" But I'm here to tell you there's something else". 

That something else just so happens to be Vine Videos. Not all those drugs mentioned above, teehee! 

For those out there with no earthy idea what a 'Vine' is; sit back and enjoy my miniature tour of the next big thing since YouTube. 

Owned by Twitter, Vine is a video sharing application where users are able to share six second clips of which plays in a continuous loop.  Users  have the option to follow their favorite Viners as well as "revine" videos they see fit for sharing with friends. For the newbie's out there it may appear quite puzzling that someone could sit for hours and watch nothing but six-second clips but it's not the time; it's the crafty things people can do in just six seconds.

Striving musicians, cute pets, sports highlights, dancing babies and even comedic teenagers plague the application daily with new 'Vines' for holidays, special events or mainly just for the hell of it. The popular app as proved to be an efficient way to get your talents out to the world... or your an embarrassing moment. 

As an avid or should I say "addicted" user of the app, I've decided to share my top five favorite Viners and one of their funniest vines (my favorite vine): 

1. Jerry Purpdrank 

Don't let the name distract you. Behind that strange stage name is an incredibly hilarious kiddo with skit style comedic talent to have you laughing for ages. 

Followers: 3.6 Million 

2. Curtis Lepore

Not only is this guy hilarious with his Vines impersonating girls but he is not bad to look at... Besides his charming good looks he has a side-kick canine companion named Buster Beans. Even the pup has his own Vine channel.

Followers: 4.2 Million

3. DeStorm Power

Though he may be a little older than some of the top Viners, DeStorm has killed the game with his hilarious Vines along with his son who also has a channel under the name "tayvionpower". Oh and did I mention he is a rapper?

Followers: 2.6 Million

4. Eric Dunn

Also another good looking Viner, Dunn is the average college kid with alot of time on his hands. But he choose his time alot wiser with hilarious vines that make him famous... Lucky.

Followers: 2.5 Million 

5. Simone Shepard 

She is known for doing perfect impersonations of Beyonce and bringing a more spicy outlook on life. Spicy meaning "Ratchet". I still got mad love for her though!

Followers: 2.5 Million 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Have you got the Cyrus?- How Miley Cyrus has Infected All

 Let's face it people; pop star Miley Cyrus has shocked us all in her incredible transformation from Disney Channel sweetheart to twerk master in a matter of a few years. The once country-breed pop star ditched those cow girl boots for some 6 inch stilettos and a cat-themed leotard...

Yet I strangely cannot escape the 'Cyrus'.

As an avid consumer of the social media app 'Instagram'; I admit to being one of the stars 10.3 million followers. A quick stalker search through Miley's Instagram already get's you trippin' as you see an array of pictures ranging from selfies during live performances in a Hot Dog suit and her signature tongue-out pose.

Yet the question still remains: Why is the world obsessed with her?

To create the Power Puff Girls it required; Sugar, Spice and everything nice.

After keeping a watchful eye on the stars crazy escapades this past year, I think I discovered a living example of the reaction of the addition of "Chemical X":

1. The Shocking Transformation

We all remember 'Hannah Montana" and the stigma of conservative wardrobes to accompany her pop-country origins. Presently, it appears the Cyrus has dropped those brown locks for a more edgy look similar to Billy Idol in the 80s'. In amazement, the worlds jaw dropped as Cyrus shed her childhood past and replaced it with raw sexuality.

 I greatly recall flipping through the tabloids and taking a second glance at the girl. One question ran through my mind: What happened to her?

And as her peculiar fashion trends continue, I say: Age 

Regardless of critics, the transformation from country gal to sex icon has got our attention and hasn't lost it since. Winning. 

2. The Twerking 

Rather we wanted to or not, We all witnessed this ^ little ray of sunshine on our TV sets during the 2013 VMA's. I recall this scene vividly as I walked into the lobby of my dormitory and saw everyone looking up at the television in utter shock. Miley had more than her paws on R&B singer, Robin Thicke that night. 

The Twerk master herself said:

 "I can't sing, I can't act, I'm dumb, I'm a hillbilly, but I can twerk, so whatever!" 

Cyrus has brought the dance move to the for front as she continues to shake her rump in all her music videos, concerts and probably in her bathroom mirror. Practice makes perfect, right?

3. The "I-Dont-Give-A-Whaa" Attitude

Now matter what the haters say, Miley Cyrus is "gonna do her thang". That fierce attitude of liberation has given Miley a new perspective of herself and guess what? Were' all here to see it. Rather through outrageous fashion statements, explicit song lyrics or lighting up a doobie on stage; Miley has no care in the world. 

In the end the critics can gawk and complain of her evolving from a child star to a sex mogul but that won't stop the Cyrus. Ladies and gentleman, the girl has found some solace. She's a grown woman with a career and bank account to prove it. Let's just let her do her thing. 

Grab popcorn though, the show just started! 

What Spring Television series are you most amped about?